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Tuesday 28th January 2020

The Bishops of The Scottish Episcopal Church, The Church in Wales and The Church of Ireland met in Inverness in January. They visited St John's as part of a walking pilgrimage through the city.

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BURNS LUNCH January 2020 held jointly with St Michael's

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Christmas 2019

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Walk at Evanton July 2019

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Barbecue with St Michael's July 2019

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An afternoon with great food, great company and garden games. Many thanks to the organisers and chefs.

St John's & St Michael's Visit to Invergordon Seafarers' Centre May 2019

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A group from Knitting Together visited the Invergordon Seafarers' Centre in May to learn about the work that is done there and to deliver hats we had made and Bibles collected in our churches.

We met some of the seafarers using the centre who were happy to model some of the hats...and left wearing them.

St John's & St Michael's Knitting Together

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Over the winter, Knitting Together have been busy knitting hats, scarves, gloves, baby blankets and teddies. These have been distributed to people in need via Invergordon Seafarers' Centre, Inner Wheel and Blythswood Care.

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St Patrick's Day Lunch

On Sunday 17th March, members of the congregation and visitors enjoyed an Irish Stew lunch to celebrate St Patrick's Day.

The picture shows contented diners at the end of the meal!

Many thanks to the chef - our own Patrick.



During Lent
Good Friday
Holy Saturday Vigil
Easter Morning

Flowers through the seasons

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Southside Road,  Inverness, IV2 3BG
Scottish Charity Number SC023272

We are a church in the United Dioceses of Moray, Ross, & Caithness of the Scottish Episcopal Church, and part of the Worldwide Anglican Communion.

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